
when setting a pan != 0, my skycubes won't change. I wrote then a simple shader to sample from the sky as cubemap:

effect_load(mtl_sky, "skyCube.fx");

g_entSky = ...
bmap_to_cubemap(bmap_for_entity(g_entSky, 0));

Out.Pos = mul(In.Pos, matWorldViewProj);
Out.Tex = (mul(float4(In.Pos.xyz, 1), (float4x4)matWorld)).xyz - vecViewPos.xyz;


return float4(texCUBE(skin, normalize(In.Tex)).rgb, 1);

The skycube is rendered as desired, but when changing the pan of my sky entity, it doesn't rotate, so it seems to me that matWorld isn't properly set.

Is this intended or a bug?, I dont know smile