Hi! Im back and happy smile
You guys have been helping me a real lot with this! And i thank you all!
Some questions still remain in my head:
-Where to start?
-About the cube to sphere conversion, love the idea! But wait, using a cube model would't seem right. That leaves me with terrains. So, how do i rotate 6 terrains in order to produce a flawless cube? I've been trying some "homemade" algorithms, but none have worked..
-I love math, so, please, give me mathematic algorithms! I've red a lot both on perlin noise and on procedural planets, but it's mostly just blogs of people telling what they've done. I don't want just to know what they've done, i want to know HOW they've done it. What algorithms, what procedures, i want to actually know they path they used in the programming language, so that i myself can get a clue on what i should do get the same result in Lite-C
So, once again, help me
