@heelx: There is no "unofficial" reason for me leaving. I get all your points, and I agree with you. The family like atmosphere, everyone knows each other, most are friends in real life. That's great, don't get me wrong, and I'm not trying to shift the scope of the forum here. But this isn't for me, I don't want to read about other peoples living room. Granted, I'm not forced to read it, fwiw, I'm not forced to participate in any thread here, the problem is that I'm missing the balance with other threads.
I'm not criticizing the forum for what it is, and by god I'm not trying to change it! The thing is, the scope doesn't fit what I'm looking for, so I'm simply going somewhere else.
Please don't take this as a personal insult, it isn't meant as one.

@lostclimate, error: Thanks you two!
I'm not really moving to new technology though (well, I kind of am, but... You are going to see). Either Nils or SchokoKeks (or maybe, but just maybe, I) will make a thread here in the upcoming weeks/months to present something pretty cool we've been working on.

If anyone want to follow my more personal projects, my blog or Github profile are probably the best way to go. I do frequent Twitter quite a lot, but honestly, my tweets are boring as fuck (and I can guarantee you that the majority of them are going to be rants about either ATI/AMD or Unicode in the upcoming time).

Well, I think that covers it so far (sorry, I haven't slept yet and I'm awfully tired, please excuse if I have missed something. I think I'll have to write a more detailed answer to heelx later today or this night). If there is anything, I have subscribed to this post, so I guess I will get emails if someone answers, and you can also send me PMs for which I definitely receive emails.

Edit: God damnit you lazy mods. It's not even a week since I stepped down as mod and the forum is already flooded with spam? tongue

Last edited by JustSid; 04/30/13 08:11.

Shitlord by trade and passion. Graphics programmer at Laminar Research.
I write blog posts at feresignum.com