Thank you sivan , i am sorry but will have to get back tou you on this later ..
I have added all sorts of other usefull functions and added support for wavefront obj too , currently i am trying to see if i can pull polygon reduction algorithms into the project to simplify geometry before any kind of build commences ,which
works easy because my mesh data is apart from actual entities but
the algorithm i am using does not take into account open edge geometry so this does not work for terrain well at this moment but seems okay for closed edge geometry ,i am going
to look into some other algorithms first , perhaps if i could use something like physics simplification geometry bit i am not sure yet i would have access to such geometry data perhaps i should pull out old newton sdk and look into that ... Any way i am halting release until i am doene with further testing and when my api is exactly what i have in mind for a first release

Compulsive compiler