RealSerious3D@ thats the worst bullshit I've heard since ratchet left us grin I can't stop laughing about the shit you've said about video/audio and paint tools, which are missing (?) in GameStudio too! I'll leave everything you've said uncommented, but just one question... Is there a complete game engine out there, which has (oh my.. ) video/audio/painting (ROFL) editors, plus easy-to-use and understand but yet powerful language, script editor, world editor, model editor and all for 100 bucks? Tell me, and I'll buy one! And no, I don't want to hear a bullshit about that MED sucks and terrible. I'd rather say that your hands growing out of your ass instead, cause there are many users out there, who proved that MED (even if it's not aimed to, as it's more a conventional tool, and don't you dare to compare this with a fully stand-alone tools, which are created for modeling, animations and so on? Would you compare a bicycle with a BMW? it looks like you do.. ) can create perfect models for indie titles (not AAA, don't mess up!). Search for a lady member of this community, her name was Otter I guess, she created lots of characters with MED, and they all have perfect, commercial quality! All of them with vertex animations!

All in all, not meant to offend, but I just couldn't take this senseless argue any longer. MED and Acknex are powerful, but unfortunately they are going out of popularity.

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