Originally Posted By: RealSerious3D
A 'version number' represents progress in the program.
A version number is a number. Nothing less, nothing more. Programs with different version numbers don't even need to be different at all.
Originally Posted By: RealSerious3D
In the case of GameStudio, it normally means new features, big improvements, etc. Compare A3 to A4, A4 to A5 and on up the line. A3 was like Doom, a raycasting engine.
Many new features arrived here without a major version number change and - according to jcl - the new WED and android support will as well.
Originally Posted By: RealSerious3D
The fact that they are not even thinking about A9 seems to indicate that GameStudio is at a dead end as far as the developers are concerned.
It could also indicate that they don't want to charge us for updates. But that won't fit so well into your gamestudio-is-dead philosophy, will it?
Originally Posted By: RealSerious3D
Oh ... and a 'version number' also means [...] sales [...] possible new sales [...] software is funded. [...] attract new buyers
Yeah, sure, without changing the version number they will go bankrupt. That sounds plausible...

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