
okay i will do my best to help. ;-)

I've read the manual again and can confirm that i did set the options.
On the chart i see 'Controlled by Zorro' and the little smiling face in the right upper corner.

Size and date of the dll's:

experts/libraries: 24.05.2013 16:50:48 and 104kB
Zorro/PlugIn same date, time and size

OS: Win8Pro 64Bit 4GB

I will wait till the weekend for the broker is over. Then i will report back. (So 1:40h to go sleep )
At the moment the server says: 'Weekend - 18:49:26 ...'
(I have also installed the Metatrader Ticker v2.1 from fx1.net)

When you say that installing MT4 in exotic places is no problem then i guess that the dll's communicate over a specific port!?
I disabled my Virusscanner but that didn't help. Same for the Firewall...

Starting MT4 instance with admin rights doesn't help ....

UPDATE 26.05 23:12: Metatrader - Active Trades is running and getting Ticks but Zorro still won't connect

Last edited by Sundance; 05/27/13 06:54.