Originally Posted By: Realspawn
It works for now but i need to be able to reset this complete
function so it can be used all over when needed.
If I got you correct, you need to be able to call this function over and over again (for example from a key input, like - on_space).
And each time, it should place the panel at the start positions (default) and move, and if we call this function again, previous should terminate.

Here is the code (not tested, but should work):
PANEL* looptxt_pan = {
	bmap = "nextstage.tga";
	layer = 50;	

function looptxt(){
	set(looptxt_pan, SHOW | OVERLAY);
	looptxt_pan.pos_x = 1054;
	looptxt_pan.pos_y = 350;
        // do here all manipulations you need

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