The 4 array dimensions were easy to manage when controlling the chunks and tiles: [ChunkCoordinateX]CunkCoordinateY][TileCoordinateX][TileCoordinateY]

btw the first array value is not [chunkCoordinateX] but instead the pointer to the ENTITY* .

Or am I wrong ENTITY* ent[x]; ent[x] = pointer to ent.

EDIT* EDIT again because some of it was pointless
#define MAX_CHUCNKST 16
ENTITY* terrain_tiles[MAX_CHUNCKST];
var tiles = 0;

function a()
    if(tiles < MAX_CHUNKST)
    terrin_tile[tiles] = ent_create(....);
    tile +=1;
    array[tile-1][0] = terrain_tiles[tile-1]->x;
    array[tile-1][1] = terrain_tiles[tile-1]->y;;
    array[tile-1][2] = some more data
    array[tile-1][3] = even more data

I might not have a good idea how to use an array like that.. I stop posting with unhelpful confusion.

Last edited by Malice; 06/20/13 20:03.