at first I want to thank aaaabcv for his help. I already guessed that MFC could cause the problem but I didn`t realy know what exactly. I also tried to compile the plugins as he described, but it didn't work.
But what everyone who wants to use my plugins simply needs to do is to download the mfc42d.dll and move it to the system32 folder of your windows installation. Here the link where you can find the dll:

Hallo zusammen,
mit der Hilfe von aaaabcv habe ich nun entdeckt, wo der Fehler steckte. Wer meine Plugins benutzen moechte, benoetigt die Datei mfc42d.dll in seinem system32 Verzeichnis der Windows Installation. Ueber den Link oben kommt ihr auf eine Seite zum download der Datei.