I've built another feature: Input Manager
It allows users to built a Unity-alike input system with multiple key bindings and so on...

input_init(); // Initialize the input system

// Setup axis controls
input_set_buttons("forward", key_for_str("w"), key_for_str("s"));
input_set_axis("forward", key_force.y, 1, 0.01);

input_set_buttons("sideward", key_for_str("a"), key_for_str("d"));
input_set_axis("sideward", key_force.x, -1, 0.01); // Invert X-Axis to get proper left-right movement

// Three simple buttons for movement
input_set_button("jump", key_for_str("space"));
input_set_button("crouch", 29); // ctrl
input_set_button("sprint", key_for_str("shiftl"));

var inputValue = input_get("forward");

In the example above, inputValue is influenced by key_w, key_s and key_force.y. key_w increases , key_s decreases and key_force.y is added to the value. So eg. controlling a player would be possible with wasd and key_force without any additional programming or changes required.

Visit my site: www.masterq32.de