Thanks Sivan your suggestions worked..

So using the Height map generator provided by oliver2s, I was able to generate a 2d map that I applied to a flat terrain as skin 1

then using the below code

int return_blue(ENTITY* ent, VECTOR* pos)
	COLOR* clr;	
	clr = terrain_getpixel(ent,pos.x,pos.z,NULL);
	if(clr == NULL) {return 0;}
function tile_to_height(ENTITY* ent,BMAP* he_bmap,var altitude)
	COLOR* clr;
	var num_Vert = ent_vertices(ent);
	var current_vert;
	var _tst = 0;
	for(current_vert = 1; current_vert < num_Vert; current_vert++)
		c = ent_getvertex(ent,NULL,current_vert);
		_tst = return_blue(ent,vector(c.v.x,c.v.y,c.v.z));
		c.v.y += 0.1 + (_tst * altitude);

I was able to deform the terrain to the height map,

the next step i am going to do is apply some code I have taking from the terrain tools demo done back in 2010 by Emre Sasmaz to color the height map and apply a multi-texture shader (most likely use the one HeelX provided) ... to give it its texture...

Im working on my dungeon generator for caves...and I wanted a quick way to generate the floor with out having to model a bunch of tiles....

Last edited by lostzac; 08/17/13 13:26.

John C Leutz II