Yes I will release it for free, but give me some time to solve the iusses with it.
I worked on it for a week. It is not too complex code, the tricky part is to reduce the memory usage.

Ha, didn't saw that. Does the welding has a tolerance?

For the ease of use I use the function in a DLL for now, but I think you can just add it to the d3d9.h header file. Don't forget to implement the used structs too.
msdn - link

D3DXWeldVertices(LPD3DXMESH pMesh, DWORD Flags, D3DXWELDEPSILONS *pEpsilons, DWORD *pAdjacencyIn, DWORD *pAdjacencyOut,DWORD *pFaceRemap, LPD3DXBUFFER *ppVertexRemap);

Last edited by jenGs; 08/19/13 01:20.