I've have a title I want to complete and publish in GStudio then wrap in a Browser for MP play.
I want my player to be an entity that functions as a stand-a-lone AI but still follow user input prompts as a Player entity when called upon to do so..e.g. when I click for an action to be called, the Ai comes and performs that action.

As its been a while since I have used GStudio (let alone any other product of the same ilk) I am wondering if any one else is following a similar path and in particular, if they/You have any insights into realizing such a game-play mechanic...

The behavior is that of a new born Sprite creature, going about feeding and growing itself to an adult stage then fighting and fending off incursions into its territory but having no ability to so physically.

Being a 'Player' it is of course responsive to all player commands but may turn and harass the User for being too slow or something or urge the User on to keep it alive.

Certainly States would be the way to go for its own arbitrary actions and the usual functions for User interaction But is it feasible?
