As my math really does suck, I want to ask someone to lend me a hand of help, to create a maze generator.
There are those several algorithms on the Wiki, and I would like to see, how one of them will work with lite-c.
Here is the link to the Wiki page:
Maze generation algorithm

There is even an example, in Python, but I don't get a damn thing:
import numpy
from numpy.random import random_integers as rand
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
def maze(width=81, height=51, complexity=.75, density=.75):
    # Only odd shapes
    shape = ((height // 2) * 2 + 1, (width // 2) * 2 + 1)
    # Adjust complexity and density relative to maze size
    complexity = int(complexity * (5 * (shape[0] + shape[1])))
    density    = int(density * (shape[0] // 2 * shape[1] // 2))
    # Build actual maze
    Z = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=bool)
    # Fill borders
    Z[0, :] = Z[-1, :] = 1
    Z[:, 0] = Z[:, -1] = 1
    # Make isles
    for i in range(density):
        x, y = rand(0, shape[1] // 2) * 2, rand(0, shape[0] // 2) * 2
        Z[y, x] = 1
        for j in range(complexity):
            neighbours = []
            if x > 1:             neighbours.append((y, x - 2))
            if x < shape[1] - 2:  neighbours.append((y, x + 2))
            if y > 1:             neighbours.append((y - 2, x))
            if y < shape[0] - 2:  neighbours.append((y + 2, x))
            if len(neighbours):
                y_,x_ = neighbours[rand(0, len(neighbours) - 1)]
                if Z[y_, x_] == 0:
                    Z[y_, x_] = 1
                    Z[y_ + (y - y_) // 2, x_ + (x - x_) // 2] = 1
                    x, y = x_, y_
    return Z
pyplot.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
pyplot.imshow(maze(80, 40),, interpolation='nearest')
pyplot.xticks([]), pyplot.yticks([])

This could really help me (and not only ME) out! And could be an awesome contribution.

Best greets

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