I'm extending my PSSM demo shared a couple of months ago by exponential shadowmapping, which enables using only 1 or max 2 splits (using the default or Slin's custom view splitting function) over a large area beside good quality and performance. and features a fog fade out effect on shadows too, plus a debug mode to view coloured shadows for each split.
I prefer the one using own object shaders (coming soon in next MapBuilder update), but it is more easy to use because of the stencil buffer thingie (what I don't like because don't really understand grin ), but hopefully someone would use it...
a better shade-c water rip will be also included (one .c and two .fx files only), now compatible with SM3.0 object shaders too.
and a usual boring screenshot, nearly the same as before, but a bit better:

Free world editor for 3D Gamestudio: MapBuilder Editor