I don't know a whole lot about math but I'm aiming to become a professional game developer regardless.

I wish to become a good game developer because I've brought and waisted so much money on so many bad games in the past. I've also brought/played some great games that rocks. I believe by mastering game development techniques using lite-C I'll be able to create some great multi-player games that'll be enjoyed by many.

I've been through the tutorials a while back and now carefully reading through the main Acknex manual. There are some things I understand and there are things I don't.

In order to create the best games possible I wish to ask questions about things I don't understand.

Any answers are well appreciated.

My first question:

I know absolutely nothing about floats except I think it's used in creating some material effects and other things.

It seems that the knowledge of float is not fully required to create great looking games.

Is it possible to create great games with lite-C without the mathematical knowledge of float?