I was watching a friend's son play "Call of Modern Battelfront #23" ( Yeah I don't play many games but you know what I'm saying). The players where insanely stupid with there lives. I thought all this "Most realistic war game" marketing was a lie at that point. They had no formations or plans of action or real communication and team work. And it was because dying 20 time in 5 minutes was the heart of the game.

Soldiers are brave and place there lives at risk but they are not insanely stupid with their lives because they know they don't re-spawn after death.

To the point - I would like to see a super modern war game that did this.
-When you started up the first time you had to choose one of 2 sides and are stuck for life.
-When your player is killed you can not re-spawn for at least 24 clock hours( and maybe you have to buy the life from a market like xbox live).
-The players are assigned to units inside bigger units and plan with intel, maps, troop reports,ect ... on a massive out of combat part of the game.
-Players can become backlines soldiers that are overseeing the battle and coordinating the effort. (Hello command - Generals - Leaders)

Any ways just some ideas. It would not be fun for the "charge and die" players we have now. It's a higher level of game. More thinking and planning and your life is way more valuable to you, and how you use it has a much greater effect and overall would be more rewarding. It changes the goal of these games form the short gain of "kill this", to a long term effort to "win the war".

grin Do I here millions of ADHD kids crying that "this game sucks" ??