laugh Thanks 3run...
It's been like 12 years here so when I couldn't actual make anything I just start writing ideas I though were cool. Then like every paranoid newbie I hide them like a porn mag when you were a kid.
"Oh no if I share an idea, then one of these guys will steal it and make 'my' millions off it." LOL.
It's a great community for all the help and friendship, but a lot of one man bands thinking the next guys is uncreative and worse a thief. Well that's not fair, it reflects my thinking more than anyone elses real actions that I have ever seen on this forum.
I like to think of beginners and there "ideas". People think there are million dollar idea, but there aren't. I can think up an idea that I think will be awesome but if I can't turn it into a product that sells it's just a million dollar fantasy.
So I say hell let me share -> If it gets made maybe I make something from it or get to work on it or can just smile to see someone take my brain fart and turn it into something real.