Originally Posted By: 82RJZAE
Anyone know how to fix "error: 88760b59"?

EDIT: I found out that if I had the folder "shadec" in a subdirectory it would give me that error; I had to put "shadec" in my project directory. I even tried defining all the subfolders but it still gave me that error.

EDIT2: I seem to be getting a lot of errors when I open a level in WED. For example:

Invalid name:

Invalid name:


Invalid name:

Any idea how to get rid of these? It would seem the names are too long perhaps?

Just started testing shadec-evo and I found some irregularities.

If you got something like this "error: 88760b59" after compiling, just copy the sc_deferredLighting_LUT.dds file to the work folder.

The name file is for now restricted to 19 characters.

@oliver2s: I'll ask him what's going on, because i need this also.

Regards, Robert

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