Error014 thanks for the reply. I like what you have to say about a game design that involves per-thought and not just reaction or blind "in the moment play". In The post I was asking to understand how I could make a game with my skills. The question of how interesting or good the design of a AAA title is, was not the focus. The visuals of Tomb Raider may very well be a great part of it, but it serves me no good as I can't make a game with these visual at it's heart. But what I take away from that is that my environment is a big piece of the game I make - almost it's own character. And so I should take care to create something, with the skill I have, with this in mind.
I didn't point out the Games I did to spark a discussion over there pros and cons. I did it so all of you could 'hopeful' tell me the things I need to understand to make a good game with what I have, because it simply cannot do and be what these game are.
Superku helped a lot with how he has told me not to try and recreate the work of a big AAA team. And also not to try and create a cinematic recreation ( Which is what I really like), that knowing I can not make this kind of game I have to learn the ideas to make the great game that I can. HIs biggest help has been the positive way he has defined a good game as being more than these cinematic events. It give me hope.
Please Error - If you can add to the advice, please do. Everyone here has an idea of what a game is 'that can be made by one person, with this engine and even if you lack real programming and game design education.'
Is Superku(g) a better game - I think in the end this is measured by the player when they decide which one they enjoy most and why.

Last edited by Malice; 10/27/13 16:41.