Wow -Nems- thanks for adding to the big picture for me. There is a lot there to think about and fully understand. You really did give me a stronger framework to understand games from and also more why I have a hard time with the whole thing. And homework - Awesome gonna hit those Plug and Plays.

The idea of "interactive entertainment" is a stubble for me - I'm used to thinking in terms of how I want something (Story) to make a person feel or come to understand a thing. Of creating scenes that speak a message in an undertone. You help make the flaw clear - Game players don't so much want to have feelings invoke or have something communicated with the whole of the game. "Interactive" hits it home - A game is creating a place and rules for players to "Do" things. It's the missing thing that a stroy(movie,book,comic,ect) person like me didn't get. Interactiveness is the fun - not winning or riding and invisible backseat chair in an adventure. Give them a place with rules, a person to be: with rules, skills, the ability to grow and the freedom to explore all of that - this is a game and the fun of it, Right?

I must seem mad to you all - "Play what you like and draw from your history" - Well I guess I just never 'really' played anything. Or rather I played in a very odd way - I took things apart and tried to rebuild them. Be it a walkman or a comicbook or now a video game.

Anyway I'll just keep talking. So thank you for your help Nems and Please IF this conversation is polluting this thread, would you jump to it's own thread.