I'm pretty sure it has something to do with RAM. This isn't something I just decided to rant about I have been using this engine for years I am a computer science graduate so yes I know a thing or two about basic PC knowledge, the reason I came to the conclusion that it was RAM related is that when I run the compiler with the lightmap resolution set to a high value while monitoring the RAM usage in task manager it always seem to crash when it reaches to about 3.5GB if I lower the lightmap resolution down to 0.01 it doesn't reach 3.5GB and thus compiles successfully. I upgraded my computer to 8GB and still the same thing has happened and upon reading this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/63954...perating-system it seems to all make sense.

I would never just start to rant without reason to, I also don't think anyone has made anything as huge and resource hungry as my game so I don't think anyone can reproduce the errors that i'm seeing.

As for the admin errors i'm pretty sure it's not that because 1) I have tried saving elsewhere 2) it ONLY happens when the file reaches a certain size and 3) I run WED as administrator anyway so it can't be that.

Today I managed to save by closing the 3D view first then it lets me save, I also have to do this when I click 'compile' otherwise it says 'can't write: 'highroad.$$M'

Closing the 3D view drops the RAM usage down significantly, THATS why I say it's related to RAM