I just got the time to get back in my project's terrain. I already made all necessary measurement for my map base on the physics engine's limit. I will be able to achieve 4m X 4m quants of world. Put in 1 inch/quant it would be more or less 63x63 miles. Inaccurate computation. If i'll divide the map in to 10km/node I will need 100nods each with 3-4LoD model for morphing. 300-400 hmp for terrain. Center 8x8 nods will cover land, the rest of the outside nodes will be flyable open sea, additional node for none flyable area or will kill player when the get off the flyable area to make it like a very large ocean. Modeling each terrain that will tile perfectly with each other since stitching won't work this way. Seems like allot of work for making the terrains alone. tongue but that doesn't bother me. Only thing that bother me is loading terrain when needed and unloading when not needed to save memory. It might lag the game when ever terrains are loaded and unloaded.

Long way to go just to know if it would work. But if it does I would be more than happy to share it in case someone else want to make games that use large terrains like a complex flight sim.

The cockpit jitter got something to do with the float coordinates accuracy and notice that camera isn't shaking so instead of attaching the camera in the cockpit, I do it the other way around. tongue

Last edited by wrekWIRED; 11/13/13 15:54.