Hey hey!
I need some ideas for a level for the last time because I've merged two levels into one which were too similar previously. If you want to see anything in particular in the game, this is your last chance (and I'm grateful for any idea)!
Right now my best idea is a submarine level where you move rather ponderous but can shoot torpedos. However, as this is still missing the certain something and I already have quite a number of vehicle levels/ levels where you don't control Superku directly I am looking for something else instead.

Additionally, I need ideas for a lot of reusable (and preferably easy to create) background art assets, things like torches, statues, portraits to fill the levels with some more details where necessary.

A screenshot of the level I'm currently working on (and yes, it's pretty difficult):

Thanks in advance!

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

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