Oh my god, i had like 123546123 questions while reading the article but it appears i only have 2 question memory, so i will ask the random 2 ones that i still remember, before they are lost too.

1) Never used spinlocks so i assume they just keep the thread by doing nothing, so they do not have to give it back. Is that actually doing nothing? I mean is it just a loop that does nothing until a job is thrown at it? Like is it's computational complexity 0? If i fill the place with spinlocks it will just sit there and stall forever with no cpu heat, or can i fill it at all? It appears that i also forgot this question, now that i can't explain myself with the languages of man i know. Or is it because i do not know how to explain myself in any language - not because i forgot.This happens a lot. It's like trying to tell your dream to someone only to realize on the halfway you do not remember the rest.

2) About that sequentiality(sequentialness? no. -ok.). About the parts of game being sequential/deterministic thing : I understand you are only going to do things like streaming and resource loading and what-not in parallel threads right? I mean if you are going to update entities in parallel threads... i mean i just want to make sure when i move 2 cubes head-on directly in to each other i get the collision i want. No wait, head-on thing can work without telling me it does something else other than i think it does. When i move 2 cubes -but like really FAST and really small- in perpendicular paths where they are supposed to hit each other on the 2 path's intersection point, will any problems occur in such scenario? Or the parts of the article about ending up with floating point errors talking about this? Or you think having a lot of frames will compensate for that? While writing this i realize... I think regardless of engine updating entities in parallel or sequential order, i will always have that because there is no definitive limit to FAST? I mean they will never move at the same time either way. How does this even work in the real life?
And i also just realized none of this matters because we are still in the era where you always have like ~50ms lag at best in multi-player environment.

Does it look like i need help when i talk.(post.)

MY POINT BEING TOO MUCH JAVASCRIPT MAY BE BAD FOR ONE'S SANITY and ABILITY to COMMUNICATE PROPERLY. Please excuse my nonsense and know that i love you people.(Not plotting to kill 6.380.000.000 of the planet's population or anything like that.WITH RAYNE.)


Last edited by Quad; 11/19/13 22:20. Reason: typos. typos everywhere making sentences mean things that i do not intend.