
I am creating some sort of interactive slideshow.
So here is what I want to do:
I want to increase a value, for example a distance, to a specific value, in a given fixed(!) time.
So far my function works fine. But I need too add a third component with wich I have a lot of problems. I want to smooth the movement in and out. I have no problem to do that with a not fixed timeframe, but I need a fixed one.
My problem is, that I don't now how much time is gone on a specific position, because I use time_step to be framerate independent.

what I have (works fine):
var camDistance; // filled in another function

void MoveToOrbit(var distance, var time)
  var t = 0;
  while(t < time)
    t += 16 * time_step;
    var factor = t / time;  // actual position in timeframe
    var distDif = abs(camDistance - distance); //get distance
    var nDist = camDistance;
    if(distance < camDistance)
      nDist -= distDif * factor; 
      nDist += distDif * factor;

    //(...) here the nDist var is put to use, for cameraDistance
  // (...) here the camDistance value and the actual camera value is set to distance-functionparameter to correct small discrepancies 

What I want:

void MoveToOrbit(var distance, var time, var smoothTime)

I hope someone can help me with that.
