
Nothing has changed on the reflections so far - I just got swamped in work in real life, so I didn't find the time to do that. Especially since I have a lot of reading to do for that.
I do want to try out more "8-bitty" reflections first, however. If they look nice, I may just stick with them. I hope that doesn't come across like I don't value feedback given - I do a lot! laugh

When building your dungeon, you can set it's state to "TEST". At that point, you (but only you) can enter it, so from there, you can see what needs to be changed.

We're actually changing that system right now (well - the guy who's working on that right now has some university stuff going on that forbids him from working on it, but as soon as he has time, he'll come back to it), and we're trying a few things with that - we do have ideas that should hopefully make it much more smooth without increasing the server load too much! laugh

Additionally, dungeons should only get published if the editor manages to complete it successfully

There's a "VERIFY" state. You can also set it to that - if you manage to beat the dungeon (without using too powerful orbs), it's set to verified and only then appears to other players.
Exception: If you wish, you can play a "Verification journey", where you verify someone else's (unverified) dungeon. In turn, you get great loot for you taking the risk of trying out a dungeon that may be impossible. This allows players who can't be bothered to still have active dungeons in the game.

Last edited by Error014; 11/21/13 23:47. Reason: fixed a broken quote

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

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