I dont want to sell it -.-
Everything is free, if nobody does a thing I need to do something and upload so we have something we can work with. And NO the ac is not made in vb.
Its made in C++ compiled as dll. Ive got all the basics like scanning for windowtitle, process name, looping through all loaded dlls, scanning md5 and for known patterns and so on but these are easy to track so I did some special work on it. First of all Im hooking engine frame, present/endscene reset and dip (DrawIndexPrimitives) and checking for return address and modified memory (crc32) in these regions, not whole module because of the speed gain.
Im also doing maaany anti debugging tricks (wont post them here are up to 12 functions), Ive also encrypted all strings, added an own function to destroy the game if a hack or something was detected (No APIs used, Im writing directly 0xFF into the application memory). I also crypted it in runtime with Code Virtualizer and I packed it with UPX, but I will use a new packer soon something like Themida or VMProtect.
I also hooked 10 standard "hacking" APIs like LoadLibrary, OpenProcess, Write/ReadProcessMemory and so on. Always checking handles, names etc.
I will do these checks if commercial released here with a database so every user can add and review hacking tools etc.

Last edited by Ch40zzC0d3r; 11/28/13 20:24.