Thanks jcl.

Re. 1): This was at Zorro startup - no button (Trade, Test, etc.) had yet been clicked so no script was yet involved. Resolution was to close Zorro and restart - again no script yet involved.

Re. 2): I never requested a special account from FXCM UK - why would they have given me one? When I've asked FXCM about this, they say all accounts are single sign-on only unless I sign a separate paper authorizing multiple access - 1 paper for each account, including having to do it again every time in the future any new account is opened. Is this consistent with what you have from FXCM? Or am I getting bad information from them, plus they set up the account wrong in the first place? What's the best way to resolve? Does FXCM have anyone assigned to help Zorro users?
