Never visited the forums directly but played around a bit with Unity 4 during vacation. I read a book about Unity some time ago, so I could start right away.

C# as scripting language I like a lot. And for pretty much any problem you want to solve in Unity, you find something useful with Google you can either rework or even take directly.

I think I did not fully use Unity in its intended way. I scripted a lot instead of using the editor for drag and dropping things - because I tried writing some kind of own simple level editor. wink
That was only some test project, so nothing to see and at the moment no further development on it.

Result: once you know the basic mechanisms you can pretty much start right away. It takes some time to get used to write proper code following the OOP thought, though (not exactly an Unity only problem).
...At least if you worked with procedural languages for years before - like me. grin

After all, comparing to Neoaxis: Unity wins, as the Component system simply outperforms the inheritance approach of Neoaxis. Also the documentation of Unity is really good, while Neoaxis is barely documented.