I tried placing this code into my main function in OrcStronghold.c :

if(!mouse_panel && mouse_left && inv_is_floating)
   var item_id = inv_get_floating_icon_item_id ();
      case SWORD:  ent_create ("sword.mdl", nullvector, 
         NULL); break;
      case MACE:   ent_create ("mace.mdl", nullvector, NULL); 

However, still nothing is happening when I click a floating item outside the inventory bag, when I am trying to drop it from my inventory. The floating item (like an image of a sword, in the inventory bag, that you are trying to drop) does not disappear.

It seems that I only need to figure out how to remove a floating image of an equipment item, if I want to drop that equipment item from the bag.

Last edited by Ruben; 01/14/14 10:44.