Rackscha, I hope you feel appropriately embarrassed for your pun. But you could make up for it if you, from now on, make it a point to always comment with a terrible pun on every image posted here!

Anyway, here's an ugly screenshot that highlights the fact that we should make some of Dungeon Deities's screens a little prettier. In any case, Dungeon Deities now forbids the usage of certain orbs when verifying a dungeon if they are too powerful or allow the player to beat certain puzzles or rooms that cannot be beat normally.

That ugly lock is a 3D-model and shows some slight animation to make up for the pain of not being able to use your favorite orb.

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

Check out Dungeon Deities! It's amazing and will make you happy, successful and almost certainly more attractive! It might be true!