great work guys keep it up .

you have shown that you have some great features in your engine , there are some things i would like to ask and please excuse me if you have talked about it and i perhaps missed it .

what standard of model/animation file types wil you try and support ?

wil you design a tool to place events within the animations , they are very usefull for placing sounds / hit / any kind of events within the animation timelines like footsteps etc , i dont know if animation tools already supports this but if you could support reading such events placed in animations that would be cool .

do you have or do you think of starting a forum for the project ?

do you have plans for selling the engine with all the source code ?

does the engine expose thread functionality to the coder ?

again i am sorry if i missed any thing you have already presented about my questions .

great work and i will be watching the developement .

Compulsive compiler