No problem..

It's using the 'myProj.c' script.

Here's the contents of it...

// Includes
#include "resources.h" // paths and file binds
#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

#include <t7\t7.h> ///@t7
#include <t7\t7Camera.h> ///@t7 Camera code

#include <t7\t7GE.c> ///@t7 GEs
#include <t7\t7GEBiped.c> ///@t7 Biped
#include <t7\t7GEMovers.c> ///@t7 Doors, Lifts, and Platforms
#include <t7\t7GEPickups.c> ///@t7 Pickup items.

#include "environ.c" // environmental functions for Outdoor level


void main()
if(project_load("myProj.xml") == 0) // load up game from an xml file
sys_exit("Couldn't load myProj.xml");

while(project_update() != 0)
sys_exit("Normal Exit");

Thanks laugh

Last edited by MiToVo; 04/05/14 22:52.