
A new plugin for 3DGamestudio is finished. Please report as much bugs as possible (might be some in it, because of some Window problems and a lot of functions).

The complete feature list:

- Create/Remove/Open Keys
- Create/Remove/Receive Values (as string or var.. binary is not possible at the moment)
- List all subkeys, values in a (sub)key.
- Change the "region" (??) the keys are created / opened. (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE etc.)

- play over 128 different (as much as your soundcard supports ) mp3, wma, ogg, midi, wav etc. songs
- stop them
- pause and resume a song
- Change the position of the song (e.g. jump from 10 seconds to 70 seconds)
- change the speed of the song
- change the volume and the balance
- Copy the song into the memory and play it when YOU want to play it (you can even load all songs at the beginning, so you have no lags when a song starts playing.. but i won't recommand that.
- get the length (in seconds) of a song
- remove it out of the memory
- loop songs (and change looping/not looping while the song is playing)
- change the balance, volume and the frequency for all tracks
- read the ID3 tags out of a mp3 file
- play/stop/remove all tracks
- change a master volume in per cent (set all tracks 30% more quite)

- Write/Read chars/int/long/double/float/short/bools
- Change the File cursor position (fseek)
- write/read/append
- Insert bytes in a file
- Replace bytes in a file
- Erease bytes in a file

- Show message boxes
- Remove directorys (with / without all subfolders)
- Get Imagewidth / height / format / mipLevels out of an filename
- Enable Fullscreen Dialog boxes
- Get Game and Windows absolute Path
- Open Internet Explorer with a specific website
- Open the default browser with a specific website
- Copy texts into the clipboard
- Paste texts out of the clipboard
- Clear the clipboard
- Get the CPU speed (mhz)
- Get the Host name
- Repositionate the Acknex window
- Get the max texture width/height / anisotrophy supported by your adapter
- Some string comparing functions (is string writte in lowercase/uppercaseetc.)
- Opens a File (no matter what filetyp) with the default program
- Minimize the Acknex Window
- Get/set The acknex title
- Delete Files
- Get the refresh rate of the monitor
- Open / Save Dialog
- Take screenshots of your game (save only a section of the screen)
- Get the Adapter Name
- Download Files in a differen thread (you can play while downloading)
- Get the download status and the Number of bytes to download
- Stop Downloads
- Copy files
- Get/Set file attributes (read only- system file - hidden - normal etc.)
- List all Folders / Files in a folder
- Get the Ip adress
- Get the Windows Version
- Save changed Bitmaps (pixel_for-bmap etc.). At the moment saving is only possible in *.bmp, *.dib und *.dds format

Please test as much as possible in ordner to remove every bug. If you have questions contact me under support(at)EasyParticle.de .

The Downloadlink can be found her. If this dll blows up your windows version its not my fault (sorry i have to write this There shouldn't be any bug which destroys windows.. but ok)

have fun with it.
New feature wishes are always appreciated.


PS: sorry for my bad english in this post and in the DLL