I need some help with this code. Just started playing around Lite-C. after running it the display is blank. I expected a rotating sphere to appear. I thought the line ENTITY* sphere = ent_create("sphere.mdl",vector(0,0,0),NULL); would create a sphere primitive shape that would get rotated. Any advice would be helpful, so, thanks in advance.

#include <acknex.h>
#include <atypes.h>
#include <default.c>

function  main()
   level_load(""); // open an empty level. you can use NULL instead of ""
   ENTITY* sphere = ent_create("sphere.mdl",vector(0,0,0),NULL); // create sphere model at position (0,0,0)
      sphere->pan += 1; // rotate the sphere with 1 degree per frame
      wait(1);  // wait one frame