Hello again laugh
I am using the manuals example to get myself going with this feature, however i am having difficulty with doing so.

I've added everything correctly, except for 2 possibilities - the address or path - but both are correct afaik.

I've tried ftp_debug(1);
but I get the "Error during Download" printf
and then the engine crashes.

Commented out I still get the same error, but no crash.

STRING* UPDATE_ADRS = "ftp://host.net/gamefolder/updates/playermodel.mdl";
STRING* UPDATE_MODEL = "3dmodels/Player.mdl";
STRING* CLI_NO = "...";//both are correct
STRING* CLI_PA = "...";//^^^

void update_game(){
	while (ftp_status()==0) //as long as the download is running
	{ //get informations about the download:
		fsize = ftp_size();
		fsent = ftp_sent();
		//globalvar = 0;
	if (ftp_status() == 1){printf("Download successful!");}
	else{printf("Error during download!");}

Im not sure whats up from here... Or does this only work with a published version?? - I created a resource file and got the acknet.dll and placed it in my project folder with no luck either.

Any Suggestions?

Last edited by DLively; 05/07/14 05:16.

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