Well, I changed code as follows:

// inventory.c


BMAP* goldPanel = "Gold_Inv_Display.pcx";


PANEL* gold_panel =

function slotOnClick(PANEL* clicked_panel) 
	Slot* clicked_slot = getSlotPtrForPanelPtr(clicked_panel);
	Item* clicked_item;
	FONT* gold_txt_font = font_create("Times#30i");
	STRING* gold_amnt_txt;
	int testNum = 5;
        gold_amnt_txt = str_create("Gold:  ");


I do not see any parameter in the pan_setdigits that does not have a value, yet I still get the same error with the pan_setdigits above. If I comment out the pan_setdigits , I get no error at all, although I only see the large "gold coins" image show up on the right side of the screen, with the text "Gold: " under it, but no value to the right of the text "Gold: ".

Last edited by Ruben; 06/02/14 07:10.