I'm attempting to apply a specular bumpmapping shader to a level block (inserted by right click -> Add -> Cube -> Small). I am assigning a texture to it as well, by the name 'stonemarble'. To do this, I'm setting its material to marble_tile from within WED, like so:

Then, in the main code, I defined this material as follows:
//Materials & Shaders

BMAP* marble_texture = "textures\\stonemarble.bmp";
BMAP* marble_bump = "textures\\stonemarblebump.bmp";

MATERIAL* marble_tile = {
	skin1 = marble_texture;
	skin2 = marble_bump;
	effect = "specBump.fx";

When I start the game, I get a warning saying "STONEMARBLE: Normal or height map missing".

Does anyone know why this might be happening?

Last edited by TehV; 07/14/14 22:08.