confused confused confused

This will take several readings before I finally understand it in its entirety, although it seems pretty straight forward if that makes any sense confused .

Once again, JustSid - You've blown my mind! I dont have much time at the moment to re-read it to make sense of it now, however when all my chores and tasks for the day are complete, I will come and read this over once more, and probably again another time.

I have read into Bits and Bytes, and how they work (unless that was another post by you grin ) before and so I have a foundation for what you are trying to teach me, I just need more time to try and understand it further.

As always, a wonderful Lesson. I really appreciate your help Bro! Thank goodness we have you in the community!

Truly Confused,

Last edited by DLively; 07/23/14 15:59.

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