Not just now! I was also smart 5 minutes ago. At least, I like to pretend I'm smart, truth be told, if I remember how to add up two numbers correctly without using a calculator, it's been a successful day for me.


And it IS a "google for me, plox" request.

I agree with JustSid. If your looking for a request you're in the wrong section of this forum.

AND the im not a 'coder' doesnt fly. If you're looking to make a game, then you should work on your programming skills. Moving the camera from one point to the other is VERY simple.


if(camera.y < entityEND.y)
	camera.y += 10 * time_step;

You're on the right track, but if you are looking for height differences, you'll need to use all 3 of the cameras vector points (x,y, AND Z) and some more math.

Last edited by DLively; 07/27/14 14:25.

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