I don't use acknex anymore. I stopped for good a couple years ago when I was prototyping a very fast-paced first-person shoot-em-up game and one of the engine's most basic features (think it was the GENIUS flag) didn't work correctly. Got fed up with it and ended the project right then and there.

Having said that, acknex is not a great engine, but I might've kept using it today if that hadn't happened to me. If you're not allergic to programming, acknex gives you a convenient way to work and is actually a pretty great prototyping tool. Too bad it always lacked Linux and Mac support.

Sidenote: when I was writing Barony's engine, my exposure to acknex meant a number of little things ended up coming from the way it worked. By this point I've forgotten several of them, but a big one was giving all entities a large array of multipurpose variables named "skills". laugh

Eats commas for breakfast.

Play Barony: Cursed Edition!