Originally Posted By: Kartoffel
nice! I actually know how to transform the texture coordinates so that image sizes which are not a power of two are possible aswell.

Ohh I need that laugh

Important functions
typedef struct
	float x;
	float y;

MATERIAL *mtlProjectText =
	effect = "post_string.fx";

POS *points[128];
BMAP *bCourier = "courier10.tga";

POS *pos_new(float x, float y)
	POS *p = sys_malloc(sizeof(POS));
	p.x = x;
	p.y = y;
	return p;

void init_positions()
	STRING *strTmp = str_create(" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~°");
	int i;
	for(i = 1; i < str_len(strTmp); i++)
		int pos = str_getchr(strTmp, i);
		points[pos] = pos_new((i - 1) % 32, (i - 1 + 32) / 32);

void paint_string(BMAP *bmpTarget, char *str, VECTOR *offset)
	BMAP *word = bmap_createblack(64, 1, 144);
	bmap_lock(word, 0);
	float *bits = word.finalbits;
	int i; 
	for(i = 0;  i < str_len(str); i++)
		int pos = str_getchr(str, i + 1);
		bits[i * 2] = points[pos].x / 32.0;
		bits[i * 2 + 1] = points[pos].y / 4.0;
	mtlProjectText.skin1 = word;
	mtlProjectText.skill[0] = floatv(str_len(str));
	mtlProjectText.skill[1] = floatv(offset.x);
	mtlProjectText.skill[2] = floatv(offset.y);
	mtlProjectText.skill[3] = floatv(bmap_width(bCourier) / 32);
	mtlProjectText.skill[4] = floatv(bmap_height(bCourier) / 4);
	bmap_process(bmpTarget, bmpTarget, mtlProjectText);

There is a lot of room for improvements. For example, the positions could be divided before using the array

Shader: needs a lot of improvement, too
Texture TargetMap;
Texture bCourier_bmap;
Texture mtlSkin1;

sampler2D smpFont = sampler_state { texture = <bCourier_bmap>; };

sampler1D smpText = sampler_state 
	texture = <mtlSkin1>;
	MipFilter = NONE;
	MinFilter = NONE;
	MagFilter = NONE;

sampler2D smpEnt = sampler_state { texture = <TargetMap>; };

float4 vecViewPort;

float4 vecSkill1;
float4 vecSkill5;

float inrange(in float2 values)
	return values[0] > 0.0 && values[1] > 0.0 && values[0] < 1.0 && values[1] < 1.0;

float2 get_position(in float chr)
	if(chr < 0) { return 0; }
	float chrPos = chr / 64.0f;
	float4 r = tex1D(smpText, chrPos);
	float px = r.r * 32.0f;
	float py = r.g * 4.0f;
	return float2(px, py);

float4 process_text(in float2 vPos: VPOS): COLOR 
	float2 ras = vPos + 0.5;
	float2 tex = ras / vecViewPort.xy;
	int chrPos = (ras.x - vecSkill1[1]) / vecSkill1[3];
	float2 pos = get_position(chrPos);
	float offsetx = pos[0] * 0.03125f;
	float offsety = pos[1] * 0.25f;
	float fx = smoothstep(vecSkill1[1] + chrPos * vecSkill1[3], vecSkill1[1] + chrPos * vecSkill1[3] + vecSkill1[3], ras.x);
	float fy = smoothstep(vecSkill1[2], vecSkill1[2] + vecSkill5[0], ras.y);
	float4 color = 1;
	float pos_x = fx * 0.03125f;
	float pos_y = fy * 0.25f;
	if(inrange(float2(fx, fy)) != 0.0 && chrPos < vecSkill1[0] && chrPos > -1)
		color = tex2D(smpFont, float2(offsetx + pos_x, offsety + pos_y));
		color = tex2D(smpEnt, tex);
	return color;

technique Text 
	pass p1 
		AlphaBlendEnable = false;	
		PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 process_text();


Last edited by jenGs; 08/21/14 11:25. Reason: code