Originally Posted By: Hummel
Remember that not so unimportant journalist who harassed a female fellow on chat a while ago?

Remember that big feminist organization which organized a rally at the university of Toronto last year and literally shouted and insulted at every man who walked by last year without provocation? Everybody ended up forgetting about that too.

I mean, ffs, every year when I sign up for classes and complete my form for federal education funding, I'm given a list of boxes not to check about my racial and sexual status: I'm not female, I'm not black, I'm not hispanic, I'm not asian. I'm not foreign, I'm not gay, I'm not bisexual, I'm not gender queer, and I don't identify as rabbit-kin. Therefore, by the logic of my government and this society at large, I deserve less money for my education than anyone who is any one or more of those things.

This is not about equality. If these people were truly egalitarian, they would not be distributing extra money to people for things that have absolutely nothing to do with the system they're actually enrolling in. Being gender-equal means setting up a system that is not biased anyway or the other, but simply protects each side from particular instances of injustice only when they arise.

This is why I think the idea of the patriarchy is so stupid. I'm willing to buy into the idea that women have historically had far less of an opportunity to excel and apply themselves because there are numerous factual cases where women's achievements weren't acknowledged for their sex, but today's society is worlds different from the way things were before. Do women still get picked on for their sex? Yeah, sometimes. Sexism isn't going away, but the idea that we can eliminate it by tipping all of the scales in women's favor is ridiculous and will only serve to create more contention and strife in the future.

Seriously, some people need to just get a grip on reality and realize that political correctness is as much a part of the problem as the social problems underneath it. Morgan Freeman gets it!

Eats commas for breakfast.

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