Thanks Thirstywolf!

Actually, I'm trying to look at it from the Zorro perspective as I understand it: Statistics-based and Tested results to show that a strategy and the settings one uses to drive it will not only perform well in good-fortune market times, but also survive in bad-fortune markets. From this perspective focusing on comparing a list of trades from a relatively short so-so to good time isn't particularly useful and may in fact be disastrously misleading.

The files that you uploaded are obviously very concrete, but the what's and why's of how you got to those results are quite nebulous. That's OK! I don't expect you to reveal all your secrets. laugh But that leaves too big a gap to determine how you're opening up the throttle while managing to keep risk in check...

So, I'll just congratulate you again on your good fortune (and $10k out!) and wish you the luck that it continues!
