Originally Posted By: Superku

I've played the recon gamemode and tried to secure the second place downhill (with the structure and the "rock tower" some meters left to it).
, thanks will be fixed.

Btw. the bullets do not hit in the place where the (center of the) crosshair is pointing at. Take the tutorial for example and fire some projectiles on a wall. You will see that the bullet holes/ hit markers are placed some quants to the right on the lower side of the crosshair (because the projectiles probably need to be oriented differently depending on the distance to the crosshair center).
, I improved it now, but it is probably something that will never be perfect cause even in games like Unreal 1 you can see that the projectile is not in the exact same spot as the cursor when e.g. being close to a wall and fire. Its a minor thing I think though, I personally did not notice it until you mentioned it.
What could be though that on a very big resolution it is more visible, have to check that.

Anyway thanks for all the feedback, much appreciated.