Huh? I also have Win7 and no problem.
, I see a black window for a sec and than it is gone and nothing happens for the .bat files under the a3games folder. The .bat files under binary folder do seem to work though.

Well, that's cause I don't want to spend time on arts, design and so on. I would use directly sprites from those wolf3d mods as a placeholders, and they already look pretty good. I really wanted to create something sci-fi, but I didn't find any good resources. I thought about making a game, where you need to escape the prison cells each level, and over and over again, you get caught and try to escape again. In order to add something fresh into the gameplay mechanics, I wanted to add more stealth features, sneaking, leaning around the corner.. What do you think? This game mechanics will works nicely with another game setting too, but it's just a lack or resources that makes me thing about WWII style..
, a semi action semi stealth games sounds fun. But I would allow the player to also go full rambo when they want (but just very difficult sometimes; e.g. by having not so much ammo / forcing them to go melee ninja style).

Last edited by Reconnoiter; 01/19/15 18:58.