You guys remember me of dudes that are unable to realize when a girl has no interest in them unless they throw it straight in their faces, sometimes.
There is no team behind Acknex anymore. There is no way for them to keep up with the competition, especially not with jcl half-heartedly tweaking 3DGS in his spare time. There is no reason for anyone into game development to choose 3DGS. There is no interest, too much stubbornness and no work done for choosing a different business approach, like for example going Open Source.
It's dead, Jim.

I enjoyed the ride with you all so far, having played around with it since Acknex 3 or 4, back when I wasn't even twelve yet. I love Acknex with my whole heart, and deep inside I've known for a year or two that I need to let go. Now's the time for it.

inb4 "it's not about the tools the engine offers but your skills". I know you could, in theory, code the next Call of Duty in Assembler, monkeys and typewriters, blah blah. No, you're wrong, it's dead.