Online Data Injection (ODI) is closed for business, I deleted the front page from the server just minutes ago.
I deleted the HSHOF front page as well.
I came to this decision for a couple reasons.
1) its a struggle to find the motivation.
2) i've moved on.
3) its a distraction with the new outlook on gamedev I'm trying to adopt. I'm trying to focus.

Its been fun, I got to meet some cool people and see some cool projects.

The one last thing I'll do, is strip ODI to its core(just managing scores and names and extra values in a mysql db)
and make that code available.

If you have a existing account with either my ODI or HSHOF that account will stay online. I'm just preventing new accounts, your old ones will continue to work.
You've got about 6 more years untill you have to worry about losing your accounts(unless I die or something before then).

Also, I completed nearly every feature that was going into the update I kept talking about.
About 80 percent of them were requested from users.
So, if you requested a feature and I said I'd try, shoot me a mail.
If your the one who requested it and you still want it and I finished it, I'll add it to your account.

Thank you everyone who used my systems, I got more out of creating them and seeing others use it then I ever got out of using them myself!

I know of two other hosted highscore services that are/were in development. Perhaps one of them will fill the gap


Making guns illegal will save as many lives as making murder illegal.